Saturday Night Live: Piecing the Puzzle of the Movie Together...

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Saturday Night Live: Piecing the Puzzle of the Movie Together

3:00pm PST, 5:00pm CST, 6:00pm EST, 11:00pm UK Time, Midnight SAST, 8am Sydney Australia, 10am Wellington NZ

All Right, get Ready for it, Tonight, Saturday, September 28th at 5pm CST, we will be LIVE with a Powerful Show that many of you Requested, and that is for us to Connect the Dots, to Assemble the Many Pieces of the Q Movie Puzzle Together, so that ALL of you can make Sense of what has gone on for the last Two Thousand Years, with the Focus being placed since the 1980’s, when the White Hats went for the Killing Stroke agains the Canaanites...

So, from introducing the Donald Trump Sting Operation to the World in 1977 as the Golden Businessman Extraordinaire, thru the Takedown of the Five Mafia Families in New York City, followed up by the John Gotti Sting, to Charlie Wilson’s War in Afghanistan, in Secret Collusion with the Reagan Presidency, Israel, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan and Afghanistan, which all lead to the Collapse of the Berlin Wall and the End of the Cabal Empire with the Downfall of the Soviet Union in Russia, and then from there, the Movie began in ernest with Trump leading the Way in the West and Vladimir Putin in the East, with Every Single Facet of the Q Plan functioning at full Capacity to Clean up EVERY COUNTRY on Earth, and to Prepare the World for the Collapse of the Cabalistic World and Organized Society thru every Explosive Event and every Massive Truth Revealed…

Step-by-Step, Key Name by Key Name, Major Event by Major Event, you will come to See How and When the Cabal Control of our World Ended, How EVERYTHING was Connected, and How it is ALL still leading this Plan, or MOVIE to its Ending in the Coming Weeks and Months, and how this Plan was Run TO THE LETTER of Sun Tzu’s, The Art of War…this is the Essential Fact to INNERSTAND, as without the Gnosis that Disinformation was Necessary, and that everything publicly from the White Hats HAD TO BE A LIE to Confuse the Canaanites, you simply will NOT be Abel to Piece together All of these Many, Many Pieces into a Finished Puzzle that makes sense…

Disinformation is Necessary during Wartime, and we have been at War against Evil, non-stop, for the last Two Thousand Years; thus, EVERYTHING has become a Lie within the Public Lexicon, leaving EVERYONE believing in Lies and NOT the Truth, leaving the World in an UPSIDE DOWN Reality, where the exact OPPOSITE of what people believe is going on, is actually Happening, and IT HAD TO BE THIS WAY...

These are the Key Aspects to our History since 1980, and Without them, there is NO Making Sense of what has actually Happened as Part of the Q Plan...So, Take a Deep Breathe, and then Join us Saturday Night for this Key Presentation of the Truth...See you this Saturday Night, LIVE…

With Love,

CF and Collywog

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Charlie's books:

To purchase a Copy of Georgina Playsted's Wonderful Book on Animal Wisdom (all proceeds go to The Shire Animal Sanctuary)...

A FreakSense World on Telegram:

Charlie Freak and Colleen:

Charlie's List of Recommended Movies to Watch on IMDB...]-R&c[0]=AT11AMcv9NuPnejY_Ys6S4CzhoGIg04FH3huJ3trofm4OHqa8TehNpc5xkNToj5pWmwMRsIGq7QqtIeiwWVwUsCqMZf3cr0j8vtD6DuIRuxSXVWKs-61KmoW2Y0cEfvN1KgQW2aoFIsMkwy6bR865i1c37nwYg8tZcNNeOUUJD7DQvPJg9Ljb6gqLy1bQslcQbpWG2HNwzC5xcQ

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