Dr Tom Cowan + New Biology Clinic Friends: GREED! Follow The Fucking Money!

4 months ago

GREED! - To anyone who ask for MONEY or DONATION like Tom Cowan and his Friends do here again!

A Real Fucking Freedom Fighter does anything for Free!

Just as I also show and tell in this video:

Kim Osbøl's & Dr Tom Cowan's Water Filtering and Vortex Structuring Routine! [09.03.2023]
How to Filter and Vortex your water for Poor People... Like me! (incl links and info)

Who has been paying Tom Cowan his salery all the years he worked as a 'Doctor' for the System?

The ordinary peoples tax paying money?

How big is the house and land he live on now?

Does he Want more? = Greed!

Follow the Fucking Money!

"For The Love of Money is the Root of all Evil!" - 1 Timothy 6:10

"Be on your guard against all kinds of GREED! Life does not consist in an abundance of possessions.” - Luke 12:15

"Keep your lives free from the love of money and be content with what you have, because God has said, "Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you." - Hebrews 13:5

"Then one of the twelve, named Judas Iscariot, went to the chief priests and said, "What are you willing to give me to betray Him to you?" And they weighed out thirty pieces of silver to him. From then on he began looking for a good opportunity to betray Jesus." - Matthew 26:14-16

"For the love of money is a root of all kinds of Evil. Some people, eager for money, have wandered from the faith and pierced themselves with many griefs." - 1 Timothy 6:10
New Biology Clinic Roundtable Discussion: Beyond Diagnosis! [9.21.24]

Roundtable Discussion: Beyond Diagnosis: How your unique story shapes your healing journey with Dr. Tom Cowan, Dr. Adam Wuollet, Dr. Rodney Soto and Dr. Omar Almadani September 21st, 2024

To see this full video, sign up and PAY for our Enrichment Services Only program, and get your first month FREE

Dr. Tom Cowan
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