Heaven Land Devotions - Beyond Earth Comes Heaven

5 months ago

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In the beginning of our new birth the Lord will have us fight the enemy. I believe He does so in order for us to gain strength, not our own, but His like those mentioned in Hebrews chp 11:32-34.

After we have waxed strong in the fight and quenched the violence of the fire, shut the mouths of lions, and rerouted enemies, then at the end of our lives, He finishes the fight. As we age in the battle we find ourselves like David, who "waxed faint."

Nevertheless, there will appear new giants of the wicked one to overcome, "Being girded with new swords," others will come with "spears like weavers beams." There will be formidable "men of giant stature" who will take the place of other enemies we have overcome.

Yet still, they will fall by the eternal sword of the Lord, and by His hand through us His servants. We will not fear "new swords" or their apparent mighty weapons, and satan's "great men of stature." The Light of Israel, Jesus Christ can never be quenched in us.

Beyond earth comes heaven....

"Be faithful unto death and He shall give unto you the crown of life." Revelation 2:10

"God loves the saints as the purchase of his Son's blood. They cost him dear, and that which is so hardly got shall not be easily lost. He that was willing to expend his Son's blood to gain them, will not deny his power to keep them." ~ William Gurnall

"Past tears are present strength." ~ George Matheson

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