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Health Ranger Report

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Health Ranger Report / Brighteon Broadcast News


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  • Clean your guns.

  • Silver s the metal that will SOAR. Need to get some

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  • NETANYAHU ORDERS AIRSTRIKE THAT FLATTENS HEZBOLLAH HQ IN BEIRUT, POSSIBLY TAKING OUT LEADER NASRALLAH: Benjamin Netanyahu spoke at the United Nations this morning, right before our Friday Podcast, and told the world that Israel was no longer going to wait to be attacked but would take the fight to their enemies. To prove that point, Netanyahu left the UN, went back to his hotel and gave the order for the IDF to obliterate the Hezbollah headquarters compound in Beirut. In the blink of an eye it was gone, and with it many high-ranking Hezbollah leaders including maybe their kingpin, Hassan Nasrallah. Wow, just wow.

  • Damm, you have more intelligence than the mosad, Russia, China and all the Arab countries who want the people of Israel eradicated from face of the earth 🤣 . You know that the hate against Israelis will always exist and they will always be attacked One thing is for sure, the people of God will never cease to exist, that's God prerogative.

  • How do know only 9? Why would you think the government agencies would seek out these so called 9 teams and eradicate them?

  • I’m feeling it too😳😳😳

  • Is everything controlled opposition? Maybe look at different kinds of controlled opposition. The Jesus narrative has served us well but there is more to learn than most will ever know. I like being aware of this version of controlled opposition just to get a different perspective. Be prepared to modify your beliefs as new information emerges, here is some. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1zWb7qSDswU