What The Mainstream Media Is Paid Not to Tell You

5 months ago

Clips from some of the outstanding speakers at the Senate Roundtable discussion on diet, September 23rd 2024. Robert F. Kennedy Jr., Calley Means, Dr. Marty Makary, Max Lugavere, Dr. Jordan B. Peterson, Jillian Michaels, Dr. Casey Means, Mikhaila Fuller. Largely unnoticed by the mainstream media because the Atlantic and mean stream media are paid directly by food and pharmaceutical companies fully aware that they’re poisoning you. They are paid to hide this information. It’s something you’d hear about in completely corrupt countries.

People are starting to pay attention to what the American Standard Diet is doing to people. It’s killing them.

This is the biggest crisis facing Americans and it’s being ignored entirely by one side of the political spectrum, (who are also being directly funded by the food corps and pharmaceutical corps behind the food pyramid poisoning everyone).

Here’s a link to the lion diet website if you guys are sick and want to give it a shot (everything is free): https://liondiet.com/

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