Now it's oil decoupling, China, BRICS and OPEC+ build new trading system

3 months ago

Video: Now it's oil decoupling, China, BRICS and OPEC+ build new trading system, locking out US suppliers and banks 現在是石油脫鉤,中國、金磚國家和OPEC+建立新的貿易體系,將美國供應商和銀行拒之門外

China and Iran developed a comprehensive energy market, involving shadow fleets of tankers and a system of rebranding oil for domestic use, or for further export to other Asian countries. Russia has since joined, after sanctions were placed on oil producers and banks there.

The result is a parallel economy that now totals millions of barrels per day in shipments to China by OPEC+ countries, and a sharp decline in global demand from Western suppliers. The implications for US and European oil suppliers are very negative, as global crude prices are now far below profit breakeven levels. Already, US oil majors are shelving oilfield development projects, and reducing active rig count.

中國和伊朗發展了綜合能源市場,包括影子油輪船隊和為國內使用或進一步出口到其他亞洲國家的石油重新命名的系統。 在對那裡的石油生產商和銀行實施制裁後,俄羅斯也加入了。

結果是形成平行經濟,目前歐佩克+國家每天向中國出口的石油總量為數百萬桶,而西方供應商的全球需求卻急劇下降。 這對美國和歐洲石油供應商的影響非常負面,因為全球原油價格目前遠低於利潤損益平衡水準。 美國石油大廠已經擱置油田開發項目,並減少活躍鑽機數量。

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