EP. 135 - Who Are The Puppet Masters? The 13 Main Bloodlines

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Take a deeper dive with me into who the Puppet Masters of our world . Those that control the politicians, banks and the people using this Babylonian Banking system that has enslaved the people.

There are 13 Main Bloodlines that have dominated our planet for many generations and we will talk about how they have played a major role in the capturing of our world.

We must stand united against this Babylonian Banking system and New World Order agenda before it's too late! Our grandchildren deserve so much better!


There is no authority except that which God has established! And God DID NOT give authority to these enemies of our world. They have conditioned us for generations to accept all of this when the time came casting lies using the tell-lie-vision. Fortunately people like me and millions have woken up to the truth and we are not going to lay back and watch our children turn into full on slaves. Wake up!

Contact Kat Espinda: onenewearth@pm.me

We were lied to about who we are and how powerful we are. It's time we wake up and begin to STAND in the truth and LIVE! Manifest great things for your life and never waiver in your faith and stance for the TRUTH... because the TRUTH MATTERS!

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