5 months ago

As the world continues to progress, one issue remains prevalent and deplorable: child trafficking. It’s a global issue that affects countless lives, with millions of children force into labor sex work or other forms of exploitation. Last year alone, there was well over 100,000 cases of human trafficking in the United States. Child trafficking takes many forms, from force, labor, and domestic servitude to prostitution and pornography, affects boys and girls, Trafford with the US or cross borders and often in vulnerable populations, like refugee or immigrant communities. As a society we must recognize the gravity of the situation, take action to protect and support these young victims organizations like the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children and the Polaris project work timelessly to rescue and advocate for child trafficking victims, and they rely on our help to make a difference. What can we do is individuals to help alleviate this issue?
For starters we can educate ourselves and others on the signs of child trafficking and how to report any suspicions. We could also support organizations that provide an aid survivors whether through donations or volunteer work.
Most importantly, we can raise our voices in demand that governments take action to trafficking and provide greater protections for vulnerable populations, children are not commodities to be exploited. We must do everything in our power to ensure their safety and well-being in the face of such an overwhelming problem. It’s easier to help us by taking action. We could help make a difference in the lies of those affected child trafficking. Let’s act NOW and work towards the world where every child can live free from exploitation and abuse. #I #LOVE #YOU #ALL #I #LOVE #MY #LIFE #SAVE #THE #KIDS #STOP #CHILD #TRAFFICKING
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Editing: Self
Song: Come Little Children - Myuu

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