When the Telegram Bubble Bursts ... Are we Ready?

23 days ago

Hundreds of thousands of coronavirus vaccine injuries have been documented on Telegram by the people for the people. Countless voices, shared on Telegram, from the people prove global crimes against humanity. What happens when social networks of like-minded people on Telegram collapse and sink into anonymity? Get in touch with us at www.kla.tv/telegram-sichern We are committed to securing all relevant Telegram channels.

Telegram founder Pavel Durov was arrested in France on Saturday, August 24, 2024. After several days in custody, Durov was released again under strict court order conditions. He had to pay a bail of 5 million euros, he is not allowed to leave the country and has to report to the police several times a week. He is facing more than 10 years imprisonment. The accusation: Durov allegedly did not do enough to prevent the criminal use of his messenger service. The investigations relate to twelve possible criminal offenses. Among which: Aiding and abetting the possession of child pornographic images, drug trafficking and organized fraud. The arrest caused an international stir: Edward Snowden called Durov’s arrest on his X channel “an attack on the fundamental human rights of freedom of expression and assembly.”

Tatyana Moskalkova, Russia’s human rights commissioner, described the true reason for the arrest “an attempt to close down Telegram”. Telegram is said to be an online platform where you can find out the truth about what is happening in the world.

More than 900 million people use the social network Telegram. Pavel Durov has repeatedly described himself as an advocate of absolute freedom of expression and, according to his own statements, owns 100% of Telegram shares. In an interview with TV presenter Tucker Carlson, he reported on attempts by various governments and players to gain control over Telegram. He said that he had successfully fended them off.

In 2017, Pavel Durov completed the Young Global Leaders Program of the WEF (World Economic Forum), founded by Klaus Schwab. Has Pavel Durov escaped from the WEF founder’s influence or is he ultimately driving the goals of the WEF agenda? This cannot be conclusively assessed. It is fact that Telegram was almost the only major social media platform that allowed critical reporting during Covid.

[Pawel Durow:] “During the pandemic, we were one of the few, perhaps even the only major social media platform that did not delete accounts that were skeptical about some of these measures.”

Since 2020, Telegram has developed into a central mouthpiece for the dissemination of free investigative reporting. Telegram has become a news bubble that also millions of people in German-speaking countries have joined.

This bubble could burst. Are we prepared for that? To name just one example: Hundreds of thousands of coronavirus vaccine injuries have been documented on Telegram by the people for the people. Lawyers, doctors, virologists, nursing staff and countless other people from different professions have recorded recent contemporary history on Telegram. Even war crimes documented by the people in the Middle East, Ukraine, etc. are still accessible today. Countless voices from the people on Telegram prove global crimes against humanity, witnesses of ritual abuse are heard and much more. What if over night these important witness reports are no longer available? What will happen when social networks of like-minded people on Telegram collapse and sink into anonymity?

It's time to take action! You can do this in two steps, for example.

1. Do you follow Kla.TV only on Telegram but have no contact so far with the international Kla.TV network? In order to stay in touch with us even in times of increasing internet censorship, you can connect to our Kla.TV network independently of the internet using the link: www.kla.tv/vernetzung

And 2. Kla.TV is in contact with international IT teams who have set the goal to save these important historic documents from Telegram worldwide. Are you operating a public channel on Telegram or do you know any Telegram channel operators personally? Then get in touch with us at www.kla.tv/telegram-sichern We are committed to securing all relevant Telegram channels and are working to create an internet-independent network among channel operators. The aim is to preserve these important voices of the people as a contemporary document and to establish a physical connection between channel operators.

Thank you for your help by forwarding this video to important channel operators! This will help and concerns us all. Thank you for your loyalty.

from es.
The arrest of @Durov is an assault on the basic human rights of speech and association.

Young Global Leaders Class of 2017

Durov’s arrest – and its meaning for Russia and the Ukraine war https://www.epochtimes.de/politik/ausland/was-durows-verhaftung-fuer-russland-und-den-ukraine-krieg-bedeutet-a4843768.html

Russia: Pavel Durov’s arrest is an attempt to close down Telegram

The Tucker Carlson Interview: Pavel Durov

Five million euro bail: Telegram founder Durov released on parole

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