Chili Pepper Magic: Growing with 100% Cocopeat! @indulovenature

5 months ago

Chili Pepper Magic: Growing with 100% Cocopeat! @indulovenature
1) add 15 mls of the YARA calcinit (calcium nitrate) to 100 mls of warm water. This dissolves in the water. I then use this as my stock solution A.
2)15mls of YARA Kristalon Red NPK 12-12-36 + 7.5 mls of epsom salts in 100 mls water. This dissolves in the water and use as my stock solution B
3) Dilute equal part of A and B to get the initial reading of EC 1.2. Every week increase the EC 0.2 until reach the maximum EC2.5 and maintain until end of the season.

The pump is set to 5x per day , starting with morning 8am, 10am, 12pm, 2pm and 4pm. Each time run about 1 to 2 mins depending on your pump size. The total volume per day for each bag is around 600ml when first transplant and increase the volume as the plants grow. When the plants fully mature, it need at least 1.2 to 1.5 litter per plant everyday. You may need to adjust accordingly , depends on your location weather as well.

Happy Gardening!!
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