Noah Rothman: Kamala Harris’ MSNBC Interview Was ‘Awful’

5 months ago

Romance now what it, what did you think of that and where do you, where do you see this election right now? Well, you hit on it. I’m None of us are the audience for this at this point, if you’re an undecided voter on the sidelines.
Do, you really are appealing listening for sentiment, listening for somebody who’s going to talk to your specific conditions in broad generalize terms and sentimental terms of that said, I thought this was an awful interview for carmelo Harris. She does this thing where she sets off in a directionless pursuit of a thought worthy of expression and then eventually finds it. She spends those first minutes or minute or two sort of stumbling her way towards something that is a concrete defense of herself, her interests or policies. In particular one question about inflation, which is the biggest issue. This cycle price instability, her one idea- is to go after price gouging, as she says, defend that she says she doesn’t defend. It should rather she backs off and says, I’m never going to apologize for my for my for going after people who, who price gouging I’m desperate consumers, nobody asked you to apologize. They asked you to defend the logic of what are fundamentally price controls and the disastrous history price controls have an economically. We can conclude from her failure to defend herself that are pulse. These are indefensible that will eventually, I think, dawn on a lot of voters who think about this critically, rather than feel their way to an outcome. There are probably settled on

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