🚨Dr Sherry TenPenny: The WHO control “Treaty” 🚨Get Prepared Now🚨 Dystopia Is Here🚨

5 months ago

🚨Dr Sherry TenPenny: The WHO control “Treaty” 🚨
🚨Get Prepared Now🚨
🚨Dystopia Is Here🚨

Dr Sherry TenPenny calls out the World Health Organization over “NEW” “TREATY”
Because the WHO couldn’t pass the “Covid Preparedness Treaty”

So they went this way
Congress ain’t doing shit so we still fkd
We need to stand up and fight
Or we will be slave
We are turning into slaves as we speak
We have to fight soon

She also explains how you will be affected by these PARAMETERS they put in place

Dystopian Life Is Here

#DrSherryTenPenny #who #whotreaty #ihr #doctor #exposing #bs #wholying #genocide #democide #biologicalControl #humans #human #elimination #speakingout #sheriff #cops #police #military #justsayno #donotcomply #RefuseAll #controllingthepopulation #congame #climateHoax #hoax #fake #climatechange #ExitTheWho #ExitTheUn #ExitTheEU #ExitNato #WeAreTheUnitedStates #KickOutAllForienInvestorsAndLobbyists

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