WORST Foods Feed Cancer Cells & New Way STARVE Disease | Dr. Thomas Seyfried

4 months ago

Widely held false belief that cancer is predominantly genetic or simply the consequence of bad luck. An empowering evolution in cancer research, however, suggests we have far more control over our risk than previously thought. Cancer doctors and Pharma cancer researchers come to Dr Thomas Seyfried when they have cancer!
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I set up this interview with cancer researcher scientist Prof. Dr. Thomas Seyfried to discuss underlying causes of cancer and why addressing metabolic dysfunction is the most important and overlooked area of its prevention and treatment.
Dr. Seyfried shares the role that oxidative stress, mitochondrial health, and glucose play in the development and progression of cancer. He also discusses his research on carnivore and fasting diets as a promising solution in helping to correct these imbalances. Dr. Seyfried describes the limitations of conventional cancer treatment, the role our modern-day society plays in the risk of cancer, and why diet and lifestyle strategies are an integral part of the solution for prevention and better treatment outcomes.

Dr. Thomas Seyfried is an American professor of biology, genetics, biochemistry at Boston College. He received his PhD from the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign in 1976 and did his postdoctoral fellowship at the Yale University School of Medicine.
Dr. Seyfried has over 150 peer-reviewed publications, his research focuses primarily on the mechanisms driving cancer, epilepsy, macular degeneration, neurodegenerative diseases and calorie-restricted carnivore-ketogenic diets in their prevention and treatment. He is the author of Cancer as a Metabolic Disease: On the Origin, Management, and Prevention of Cancer and presently serves on the Nutrition & Metabolism, Neurochemical Research, Journal of Lipid Research, and ASN Neuro editorial boards.

In this episode, Kevin Hennings and Dr. Seyfried dive into:
-Beliefs about the origins of cancer not accepted by the mainstream
-How to save your own life
-What cancer is and why it’s so pervasive today
-Where Dr. Seyfried’s beliefs differ from the conventional cancer model
-Metabolic health as a driver of cancer
-The discovery of glucose fermentation, oxidative stress, glutamine and their link to cancer
-Conventional cancer treatment: could it be causing more harm than good?
-Mitochondrial damage and cancer
-The carnivore and keto diet as a promising anticancer intervention
-Dr. Seyfried’s research and case studies
-Limitations in conventional cancer treatment
-Diet and lifestyle strategies for cancer prevention
-Navigating cancer resources, testing, treatments
-Invasive vs noninvasive tools for cancer detection
-Dr. Seyfried’s research and the future of cancer treatment and prevention
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