Scott Jennings What Kamala & Biden Said Today About Their Failed Policies And Pathetic Class Warfare

5 months ago

Posted • September 26, 2024: Kamala Just Had the Worst Day of Her Campaign —— Since taking over the top of the Democrat Party ticket, Kamala Harris has tried desperately to run a very controlled campaign based on vibes and platitudes. This strategy quickly fell apart, and the campaign lost the control it used to enjoy. We just saw how it's blowing up in their faces. As you know, Harris had yet another train wreck interview with Stephanie Ruhle on MSNBC Wednesday night, and despite the interview taking place on friendly territory, it didn’t do her any favors. Sure, the talking heads at MSNBC did everything they could to spin it as wonderful, but it was bad. Heck, even Ruhle couldn’t deny the fact that Kamala wasn’t answering questions. But the interview was merely the last problem of what was ultimately a terrible, terrible day for Harris and her campaign.

As PJM’s Stephen Green covered previously, the day began with Joe Biden's appearance on "The View." To say he didn’t do Harris any favors is an understatement. Harris has spent her entire presidential campaign trying to brand herself as “a way forward” and distancing herself from the Biden-Harris administration, yet Biden told the friendly audience of “The View” that he delegated “everything from foreign policy to domestic policy” to Harris because “as vice president, there wasn't a single thing that I did that she couldn't do.” And then there was her speech before the Economic Club of Pittsburgh, during which she accidentally made the case against her candidacy.

"We can build a stronger middle class," she said. "The American economy is the most powerful force for innovation and wealth creation in human history. We just need to move beyond the failed policies that we have proven don't work. And, like generations before us, be inspired by what’s possible." So according to Kamala, we “need to move beyond the failed policies that we have proven don't work.” Well, who’s been in charge for the past four years? Which party has been in charge for 12 of the past 16 years? It was a de facto endorsement of Donald Trump. Elections are referendums on the incumbent party, not the opposing party, and when poll after poll shows voters trust Trump on economic issues more than Harris, she’s essentially making the case for Trump. Even before her terrible interview with MSNBC had aired, CNN's Scott Jennings could see Wednesday had been a terrible day for her.

"I think today was a mess for Harris," he said. "I mean, Joe Biden went on 'The View' today and said he delegated all sorts of authority to her on domestic policy. We know that the Biden administration's not popular on domestic and economic policy. She gave a speech today saying we gotta move past the policies that people think have failed. Well, people think the last four years are a failure." Kamala had hoped to glide through the campaign under the radar, but as it became clear that voters wanted to hear directly from her, her team scrambled to change course. It's not working, so imagine being one of her advisors, thinking that putting her out there is still the most politically advantageous strategy in the final weeks of the campaign.

Townhall: 'A Mess': CNN's Scott Jennings Sums Up the Terrible Day That Kamala Harris Just Had

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