Matt 9 - What good would it be telling people their sins are forgiven and doing nothing for them?

5 months ago

Mat 9:6
"But in order that you may know that the Son of Man has authority on earth to forgive sins"-- then He said^ to the paralytic-- "Rise, take up your bed, and go home."

They are correct that only Elohim has the power to forgive sins (Isa 43:25, Micah 7:18). He is telling them His identity by telling them that He has the power to forgive sin and He demonstrated it by healing the man. What good would it do for Yeshua to go around telling the people that their sins are forgiven and then doing nothing for them? Yeshua was not some phony prophet or teacher that was full of hot air. He did not proclaim Himself. He is a man of action and He let His actions speak for themselves. He let others make the proclamation that He is Messiah.

River Valley Torah Assembly

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