140 Sugar Man - Investigating The Hunters & Rogues

5 months ago

Sugar Man has been conducting a lot of field research. The new ai people (hunters, rogues, airplane crew) are interesting, and best of all you get a lot of loot from them. Their combat skills are pretty easy to handle, but they are aggressive, and can appear out-of-nowhere. You will notice an increased use of bandages.

In this video we go way out west and down south too as we look for more hunters, rogues, and bases. We actually find more hazardous foes in the animal kingdom than we do with the npc population. BTW, it is rutting season, and for what I believe is the first time ever, a Moose attacked the ATV. LOL!

So far it has been a lot of fun and laughs. We are looking forward to more heists at hunter bases. There are only two (that I know of), so far.

Thank you everyone for following Sugar Man's exploits in Subsistence world. Please 'Like' and Follow my channel if you do not follow presently. The Sugar Man world is growing. I look forward to more growth in the future, as well as a great deal of fun and laughs.

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Come for the fun. Stay for the love.

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God Bless you and yours.

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