Dog Confused By Scary Mask

6 years ago

Halloween is such an exciting holiday, that's for sure! It brings lots and lots of fun to the entire family. And when I say the entire family, I consider even the canine members included! If you thought that dogs are not huge on getting into the Halloween spirit, this hilarious video is here to prove that you are wrong! As the clip starts you can see a little girl with a scary dog mask on her face. She’s probably decided to wear that terrifying mask to scare her dog, and you can tell that it’s working. How funny is that? And not only does she wear the mask, she also makes the funniest scary noises to match it! LOL! Her adorable pet dog is totally confused! The poor pup just can’t figure out what’s going on! But one thing’s for sure, he’s definitely gotten into the Halloween mood. Totally hilarious if you ask me!

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