3 months ago

A message to ALL Doctors, this includes anyone distributing the poisons of Big Pharma. In 2020 the Covid hoax was unleashed, a Doctor's arrogance stems from the pedestals given to them by a controlled society, supported by the certificate hanging on their wall. Degrees and PhD's do not make you smart, they are just certificates that you passed the course of indoctrination. Many untrained people were luckily awake enough to spot the world being ushered into communism, as usual on the back of Genocide. All you Doctors, Nurses, Pharmacists, and others such as the Police, broke their oath and not just assisted the depopulation agenda by legalised euthanasia under the auspice of a "deadly virus" using lethal covid vaccines, morphine and midazolam, remdesivir and so on, but many also silenced and mocked those like myself who was trying to expose the horrors that lurked beneath. The Freemasons played a major part in all of this, and for many many years before that. You have had almost five years to "work it out", those of you who still continue to support big pharma and their poisons will be held accountable. It's time you blow the whistle because silence will be seen as sign of guilt.

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