Psyop Recovery Program- Dr. Judy Wood- Where Did The Towers Go?

5 months ago

The Psyop Recovery Program was produced by Character Driven Media on Livestream and rebroadcast on YouTube and the terrestrial radio show hosted by Joani Thompson. Each episode features Dr. Judy Wood taking a special guest through the information contained in her book "Where Did The Towers Go?", getting live reactions from those who have expertise in various areas of technology, engineering, structural design and construction as well as skeptics who have myriad theories about what happened at the site of the World Trade Centre on 9/11/01. This episode features Engineer Julia Davies who had a wake up call in 2004 while serving as an officer at the southern border. You can find out more about her story "The Terror Within" by doing an internet search. We hope to post the interview she did on CharacterDriven, the radio show, as we go through the archives on older computers. Both the radio show and the YouTube channel of the same name were unceremoniously taken down and off the air when the host began questioning who might be benefitting from the Covid19 shutdown. Though many controversial topic had been broached over the ten year history of the show and channel, that was the topic that took the show off the air and internet. Since both YouTube and the radio station laid claim to all of the media that was produced over that 10 year period, we are currently focusing on finding and restoring any of the files that we can access. The information is as relevant, if not more so, as it was in 2013 when this episode aired and we hope that you will have your eyes opened in the same way that guests do as Dr. Judy walks her through the presentation.

In this episode, Dr. Judy discusses her book with host Joani Thompson.

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