God Is The Light In Which I See - lesson 44 - A Course In Miracles

4 months ago

God is the light in which I see - lesson 44 - a Weekly Zoom Call with James for Students of “A Course in Miracles.” Please review a written copy of today's material below and join us next time for our weekly group discussions. Click here to sign up for this weeks zoom call https://www.chosentoremember.com/acim-zooms/
Subject discussed:
1 - There are two primary lenses to see this world through, God's/Love's lens, and the ego's lens.
2 - Seeing through the ego lens produces fear, judgment, anger, darkness.
3 - Seeing through Love's lens brings about joy, peace, forgiveness, compassion, mercy, and grace.
4 - The light of God is always within you, always just a simple choice away.
5 - Seeing the truth in others bypasses what the body think, says and does and recognize their eternal loving essence and nature.
6 - Seeing through God's eyes is like having x-ray vision, seeing pass duality into oneness, seeing the truth through the delusion.
7 - Feeling physically unwell - How to shift perception to feel better.
8 - To feel physically better, use those times of upset and lack of peace to instead practice trusting God more and know He, being perfect Love, has your back.
9 - Sickness is in reality a detox process. Learn to thank, not judge the body, when its trying to heal you.
10 - When you are worried about being sick, that's a symbol of the ego having control of your mind. Use this understanding to take back control of your mind.
11 - Eat less to use the bodies energy, not to digest, but to heal.
12- Bringing Arc Angel Rafael, the Arc angel of healing, to assist in your healing.
13 - Using today's title as a mantra to help align your mind with the mind of God. This is a form of mind training.
14 - Consciously aligning your mind with the mind of God frees you from a hellish mindset.
15 - Fear of sickness produces chemicals that hurt and poison your body.
16 - You have the power in every moment to choose healing thoughts or poisonous thoughts.
17- We all have free will, we can all in any moment escape the darkness that our own thoughts have created.
18 - Understanding and using for your good the Placebo affect.
19 - The more you support the thoughts of fear, the more the fear neurons in your brain get, the easier it is to react with fear.
20 - When sick - water only fast, rest, meditate.
21 - Always drink lots of water/hydrate before blood test.
22 - How to address people who are very overweight, how to maybe help them out.
23 - The power of praying out loud. The power of praying on your knees. The power of praying prostrated on the floor.
24 - Creating a sacred prayer space.
25 - Salvation: "your release from the hellish mindset" by consciously aligning yourself with Love/the mind of God.
26 - Returning back to your mantra when intrusive thoughts come in.
27 - A healing prayer for Wendy.
28 - When in distress, remind yourself God/Perfect Love is in control and so all will be alright.

Lesson 44. God is the light in which I see.

1. Today we are continuing the idea for yesterday, adding another dimension to it. ²You cannot see in darkness, and you cannot make light. ³You can make darkness and then think you see in it, but light reflects life, and is therefore an aspect of creation. ⁴Creation and darkness cannot coexist, but light and life must go together, being but different aspects of creation.

2. In order to see, you must recognize that light is within, not without. ²You do not see outside yourself, nor is the equipment for seeing outside you. ³An essential part of this equipment is the light that makes seeing possible. ⁴It is with you always, making vision possible in every circumstance.

3. Today we are going to attempt to reach that light. ²For this purpose, we will use a form of exercise which has been suggested before, and which we will utilize increasingly. ³It is a particularly difficult form for the undisciplined mind, and represents a major goal of mind training. ⁴It requires precisely what the untrained mind lacks. ⁵Yet this training must be accomplished if you are to see.

4. Have at least three practice periods today, each lasting three to five minutes. ²A longer time is highly recommended, but only if you find the time slipping by with little or no sense of strain. ³The form of practice we will use today is the most natural and easy one in the world for the trained mind, just as it seems to be the most unnatural and difficult for the untrained mind.

5. Your mind is no longer wholly untrained. ²You are quite ready to learn the form of exercise we will use today, but you may find that you will encounter strong resistance. ³The reason is very simple. ⁴While you practice in this way, you leave behind everything that you now believe, and all the thoughts that you have made up. ⁵Properly speaking, this is the release from hell. ⁶Yet perceived through the ego’s eyes, it is loss of identity and a descent into hell.

6. If you can stand aside from the ego by ever so little, you will have no difficulty in recognizing that its opposition and its fears are meaningless. ²You might find it helpful to remind yourself, from time to time, that to reach light is to escape from darkness, whatever you may believe to the contrary. ³God is the light in which you see. ⁴You are attempting to reach Him.

Sign up and join us for our weekly Wednesday 7pm est. free 'A Course in Miracles' Meet Up: https://www.chosentoremember.com/acim-zooms/

We are delighted to be offering an additional weekly Zoom workshop with James Blanchard Cisneros on Wednesdays. The Wednesday weekly Zoom calls are for people who are interested in exploring topics related to “A Course in Miracles”. During each Zoom call, participants will have time to ask questions and discuss “A Course in Miracles” topics. The current plan is to hold the weekly “A Course in Miracles” Zoom calls on Wednesdays at 7pm est.

We hope you will join us for this special opportunity to connect with James and other like minded people.

When: Wednesdays (beginning June 5)
Time: 7pm est
Cost: Free
Registration is required. Please click here to sign up for this weeks zoom call. https://www.chosentoremember.com/acim-zooms/

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