Is Trump scaring people out of the USA?

4 months ago

Is Trump scaring people out of the USA?
By Terry A. Hurlbut
The last twenty-four hours have seen yet another “dire warning” that Donald Trump will do dictatorial things. This time, his former attorney, Michael Cohen, repeats a refrain he has sounded for four years. Now he says he will leave the United States and create a new identity if Trump wins this election. On one hand, his message joins a long line of rumors of celebrities saying they will leave the country. On the other, this is the most ridiculous – and detailed – exercise in projection in the history of American politics. For that reason alone, it is worth examining in detail, because we have the message in his own words.
What Michael Cohen has said about Donald Trump
Ben Kew at The Gateway Pundit has followed Michael Cohen’s often unhinged interviews since last June at least. Kew provided one report on June 8, and another last night (September 25). Each report features an interview Cohen gave to MSNBC.
On June 8, Cohen sat with MSNBC Anchor Ali Velshi for fifteen minutes, to discuss alleged threats of retribution by Trump against his political enemies. Cohen actually said Trump would order execution by defenestration if he won. Mr. Kew excerpted the transcript thus:
State-sponsored news just like what you have in Russia and their station which is called Pravda and means truth which is ironic, right? All of this goes away under a Donald Trump administration. Why? Because he doesn’t want to hear anything negative being said about him. The fact that you have this television show, the fact that you have the ability to speak truth to power, all of that goes away if in fact this man into becoming president.
All of these people whether it is Marco Rubio, Mike Johnson, Mark Meadows have all said disparaging things about Donald Trump at one point in time. they believe that if Donald Trump wins and they are shoulder to shoulder with him, that they will have unlimited power which would of course give them the ability to have unlimited resources and assets. One mistake that they are making, Donald Trump doesn’t share. It is all about him, not about his kids, not about his family, it is all about him.”
So they think that they are going to hitch themselves to his wagon in hopes that they are going to elevate themselves whether it is in power, through money, through connections and so forth, it does not work that way. He will not allow that and just like Putin, once you start to get too big for your own britches, people will start flying out of windows, they will end up in gulags. As Donald says all the time, send them to Gitmo, send them to Guantanamo Bay.
The one thing leftists always have lacked is a sense of irony. The Sixties saw the final repudiation of men who sounded warnings about Communism and its chief practicing country. That country was, of course, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics – better known as Soviet Russia. For Michael Cohen now to use Russia as an example of “state-sponsored news” is ironic for that reason. And for another: National Public Radio and the Public Broadcasting Service are the State sponsored news organs in America today. Not only that, but legacy media are State cooperative news under the Biden-Harris administration.
But yesterday Cohen said something more ironic to hostess Nicolle Wallace:
Q: What do you think happens to you if he wins?.
A: I’m out of here. I’m already working on a foreign passport with a completely different name. I don’t know how it is going to work as far as dealing with my wife and my children. I certainly don’t want them moving to where I’m looking to go.
I don’t think you or the president of the MSNBC, General Milley, Liz Cheney are safe. How many people has he turned around and said that these are people that I intend to go after if I have the ability to?
And the worst is the Supreme Court’s recent decision that gave him immunity, presidential immunity. Now he thinks it is not only can I do whatever I want, but I can’t even be prosecuted to get out of jail free card.
Q: So you’re out of here? Would you leave the country?
A: I have no choice.
To assume he read Sonia Sotomayor’s “five-alarm dissent” in the Presidential Immunity case (Trump v. United States) would be facile. Kew calls Cohen “a convicted perjurer and self-admitted thief.” That theft amounted to $60,000, and Cohen could have gotten 15 years for that. But death, he wouldn’t have gotten.
Project 2025 comes up
Michael Cohen also repeated another common Democratic Party refrain: Project 2025. Donald Trump has consistently disavowed any knowledge of Project 2025, or any role in it. Project 2025, a project of the Heritage Foundation, does exist. NPR submitted a 920-page document, that purports to be the Project 2025 outline, to Document Cloud. This is the real document.
Project 2025 has three parts:
1. An outline of policy prescriptions for the first 100 days of a second Trump administration,
2. A job application service for those hoping to secure jobs in government as Trump vacates certain positions, and
3. A training program for those requiring and wanting such training.
Project 2025 relies largely on Trump’s plan to create a new class of federal employees, called Schedule F. Schedule F employees would be newly recognizable as political – because they help make policy. Trump created Schedule F to remove Barack Obama’s hangers-on who, he knew, were committing sabotage. This would create vacancies in “civil service,” vacancies which Project 2025 intends to fill.
Multiple leftists have cried out that Schedule F would create personnel shortages, undermine national security, or create other such ills. In fact Schedule F would destroy the “we see Presidents come and go” attitude. Continuity of policy has always favored the growth, intrusiveness, and tyranny of the administrative state. In fact, the “Civil Service” includes all the Deep State’s moles in government. It is high time to remove them and replace them with patriots, not one-worlders.
What else does Michael Cohen say?
One can safely say that none of the dire screeds about the policy agenda of Project 2025 are accurate. The agenda document discusses specific changes at various Cabinet-level departments and certain “independent agencies.” It does not contain a legislative agenda. So everything Michael Cohen, or any abortion-rights or Alphabet Soup activist, now says about Project 2025 is a lie.
He told another lie:
I warned the whole country and the world, that if Donald Trump lost the Election [of] 2020, there would never be a peaceful transfer of power.
But there was. And if the country has been less than peaceful since, blame Biden and Harris, not Trump. Now he says,
And I am warning the country today,… that if Trump wins [the Election of 2024], there will never be another election again.
Nicolle Wallace, looking at him with the pseudo-worshipful expression any prostitute knows how to deliver, egged him further on. “Leading the witness” is the most common defense objection to any prosecutor’s or plaintiff attorney’s mode of questioning. And that is what Nicolle Wallace did, in this case suggesting Trump had Cohen imprisoned merely because Cohen was about to write a derogatory book about Trump.
He even suggested that Trump had called for the arrest and imprisonment of those criticizing the Supreme Court Justices who formed the majority in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s. That’s not the case, either. Trump might have called for the arrest and imprisonment of those who threaten to assassinate those Justices. And those threats have come to pass – one against Justice Brett Kavanaugh, and another against all six Dobbs majority Justices.
Yet another celebrity threatening (promising?) to leave if Trump wins
Your editor’s X feeds have always been full of posts talking about this or that celebrity threatening to leave the country if Donald Trump wins the election. Very likely, most of these are false. But when a celebrity actually gives an interview and says that, it’s worth noting. Herewith a sampling:
Replies, quote-posts, and other reaction clearly shows that those voting for Trump, would not miss any of these people. When Michael Cohen’s announcement broke on X, most users had one of two two-word responses:
1. Ho Hum, or
2. Good riddance.
Where exactly Michael Cohen plans to go, he leaves few clues – and those clues are strange, if not dire. Where could he possibly go, that he wouldn’t want his wife or children to join him?
Where is Cohen going?
Whether Cohen is going anywhere, or not, his pronouncements are another matter. He is throwing off on Trump, pure and simple. Leftists – beginning with Josef Stalin – track down their enemies and execute them, even if those enemies go abroad. (Witness Leon Trotsky.) Leftists create State sponsored media – and the National Socialist German Workers’ Party is part of the left as well. Biden and the Deep State, not Trump, turned the first social media organs into State actors.
And the left are still doing it. Today, Jake Tapper, interviewing former Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.), asked her about “a harsh Trump criticism of Kamala Harris.” Pelosi, apoplectic, asked, “Why would you even cover that?”
Gina Raimondo, Biden’s Commerce Secretary (and the official who lost the Chevron Deference cases), called on her fellow Democrats to “extinguish Trump for good.”
Cohen also accused Trump of planning to confiscate all of Elon Musk’s wealth. But that’s what the Biden-Harris administration probably plans. (Actually, Elon Musk won’t give those people the opportunity. He is re-headquartering his companies in Texas, while planning to launch and recover even his largest rocket ships at sea. In him we see the prime aerospace and defense contractor for the Republic of Texas, if Kamala Harris wins. So in mentioning Musk, Cohen probably just talked too much, and blew the gaffe.)
In sum, Michael Cohen is indulging in classic projection – throwing-off. But he also might have revealed too much about the kind of people with whom he has thrown in. Incidentally he might have revealed an upcoming plan that the American left would infinitely have preferred to keep secret.
Furthermore, he joins a long line of celebrities who have announced their intentions to leave the country if Trump wins. The list is certainly too long to reproduce here in full. Nor have we any indication – except from those who actually said something – that any one person actually intends to leave. But all are better gone – and the country can do without any more members of media – or the present administration – calling for Trump’s assassination, or using any such language.
Link to:
The article:

Michael Cohen’s two interviews:

Project 2025:
Project site:
Alleged project document (per NPR):
Actual document: Mandate for Leadership, from the Project 2025 site:

Sample posts about celebrities threatening to leave the country:

Jake Tapper interview with Nancy Pelosi:

Gina Raimondo interview:

Declarations of Truth X feed:

Declarations of Truth Locals Community:

Conservative News and Views:

Clixnet Media

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