It of the Dark Swamp

2 months ago

This is the legend of IT of the Dark Swamp in Chepachet, RI a village located in Glocester, RI. Dating back to at least a time when Native American tribes had control of the land, in this case specifically the Pequot and the Nipmuc tribes, to the connection to HP Lovecraft as he wound his way through town looking for information on the creature and trying to find it while walking through the swamp. Many of the locations that Lovecraft stopped at along the way are still standing that you can stop and look at, or even visit in the case of Cady's Tavern.

This was a very detailed oriented story with a lot going on, so I ended up reading a lot off my notes and still have problems keeping things straight. I did the best I could. But take a walk with me through the haunted history of Rhode Island and discover one of the places that provided inspiration for one of the greatest horror writers, H.P Lovecraft.

D'Agostino, Thomas and Arlene Nicholson. "IT, West Glocester" New England Haunted Route 44. (Charleston, SC: Haunted America, a Division of the History Press, 2023.) pgs. 91-93.

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