Joe Biden Shows Up On 'The View' To Kneecap Harris, Threaten Trump, And Bask In Delusion

5 months ago

Posted • September 25, 2024: In a bit of a surprise move, Joe Biden showed up on "The View" on Wednesday. Sitting at the table with the intellectual heft of Whoopi Goldberg, Sunny Hostin, and Joy Behar surrounding him, the president managed to kneecap Kamala Harris, threaten Donald Trump, and bask in delusion during the segment. When asked about Harris, Biden did the one thing she can't afford for him to do: He hung the failures of his administration around her neck. -- Biden: "As Vice President, there wasn't a single thing that I did that she couldn't do and so I was able to delegate her responsibility on everything from foreign policy to domestic policy." Joe is Kamala. Kamala is Joe. -- Whoopi Goldberg compares Trump to a bug. Biden then imitates smashing a bug d*ad on the table. Hosts and audience laugh. Is this incitement to violence? Just imagine if Trump did this.

Two psychos have tried to assassinate President Trump in a span of seven weeks, but Crooked Joe Biden still won't denounce the inciting rhetoric he and Democrats have used against him. Instead, Crooked Joe doubles down. -- Biden to The View: "I never fully believed the assertions that somehow there was this overwhelming reluctance of my running again…my polling was about…always within range of beating this guy I didn't sense that…I was confident. I would beat Trump." -- We have been reliably informed that Whoopi Goldberg should be ASHAMED of herself for mispronouncing Kamala's name. Disgusting! (…)

• More at: RedState - Joe Biden Shows Up on 'The View' to Kneecap Harris, Threaten Trump, and Bask in Delusion

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