The Bonegrinder, Crossout Creative Crafts VI, RIP Under mounted Yongwangs

3 months ago

Would you like some Art with that?

For this creative crossout craft, I built the Bonegrinder. The plan was simple, I wanted a build with shiv wheels to grind the enemy into pieces with a catch and pin play style.
I chose the bastion cab for its durability with the intent of having an additional explosive weapon that would likely do self damage, and the bastion was durable against that too.
I chose an Under mounted Yongwang as the main weapon. As close up, it did a lot of damage and could pop generators and other explosive modules hidden in enemy builds.

The Theme for this build was horror and Halloween. Putting on the mummy paint, a ravager eye, an ATM machine, spooky flares, a wrath of khan, and the clown laugh horn to make it terrifying.

No build has gotten me more responses from my enemies. I am quite proud to have been told I "Ate their build" many times.

Unfortunately, this favored build of mine has been nerfed as under mounted yongwangs are now terrible. Nerfed to just 2 grenades
when under mounted.

It was fun for a long time. Even quite good in clan confrontations.

With that, this has been Swabcraft and would you like some art with that?
#Swabcraft #swabcraftcreates #Crossout #crossoutcreativecrafts #gaming #viral #shortvideo #creative #creativeideas #creativevibes #creativegaming #creativecrafts #builder #vehicle #design

My Music comes from the following:
Purchased, subscribed, or Free Samples Royalty Free Music from Humble Bundle, IndieGala, Epidemic Sound, Motion Array, Darren Curtis Music.
Public Domain performances from Musopen.
The Music Packages I have bought from Humble Bundle come from creators Dark Fantasy Studio, GameDev Market, Andrey Sitkov, Tkimuse, ActionVFX, and Soundtrackloops. I have the following bundles: RPG Game Dev Bundle, Big Royalty-Free Music Bundle, Video Creator’s VFX, Big Music 2, Mega Sound Designer Loop Crate vol 2, Music and Sound Effects for Games, Films, and content creators bundle part 2, massive RPG game Development Assets, Big Royalty-free Game Dev Music and SFX, Audio Odyssey Ovani Sound Bundle,
From IndieGala: Massive Music Bundle 1 & 2 (By Arcade Origins.)

art, فن, 艺术, Kunst, कला, seni, arte, 芸術, 미술, sztuka, искусство, ศิลปะ, nghệ thuật, artsale, art for sale, buy art
creative, مبدع, 创意的, créatif, kreativ, रचनात्मक, kreatif, creativo, 創造的, 창의적인, kreatywny, criativo, творческий, สร้างสรรค์, sáng tạo,
build, بناء, 建造, construire, bauen, बनाना, membangun, costruire, 建てる, 건설하다, budować, construir, строить, construir, สร้าง, xây dựng,
craft, حرفة, 工艺, artisanat, Handwerk, शिल्प, kerajinan, artigianato, kurafuto, 공예, rzemiosło, artesanato, ремесло, artesanía, งานฝีมือ, thủ công,
vehicle, مركبة, 车辆, véhicule, Fahrzeug, वाहन, kendaraan, veicolo, bīruko, 차량, pojazd, veículo, транспортное средство, vehículo, ยานพาหนะ, xe cộ,

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