The Phoenix, The Jinn, and The Manchurian Candidate (Labyrinth of the Psychonaut)

4 months ago

These videos were originally uploaded to ‘Labyrinth of the Psychonaut’ by Steve Wilner aka ‘SoundlessDawn’ whose channel and most of his internet presence disappeared a while back.

I personally used to love watching these videos back in the early days of YouTube, before there was such an overwhelming amount of content being churned out daily, Steve was leading the field of SynchroMysticism and showing many of the resonances and themes that connect myths, legends, history, literature, media, movies and actors across time.

He also explored many out there topics for which there wasn’t much to be found at the time. Keep in mind these were first released around 2007, which is reflected in the sound and image quality, the ideas however are timeless>

As I found many people online who were alo trying to locate these videos to no avail, and it was grueling for me to acquire them, I am uploading them here for everyone to enjoy!

Mentioned in this video: Jinn, Djinn, Annunaki, Nephilim, Sumerians, Iblis, Shaitan, Satan, Mohammed, Prophet, Liam Neeson, Qui-Gon Jinn, Genie, Flying Carpet, Mario, King Solomon, Hollow Earth, Pyramids, Magic Lamp, Walt Disney, Ariel, Duck Tales, Aladdin, Jaffar, Aleister Crowley, Cave of Wonders, Indiana Jones, I Dream of Genie, Astronaut, NASA, Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin, 33, Freemasons, Hypnosis, Trance State, Mickey Mouse Club, Programming, Hollywood Sex Slaves, Manchurian Candidate, MTV, VH1, Justin Timberlake, Christina Aguilera, Britney Spears, Illuminati, Bilderberg, Rockefeller, Bush, Clinton’s, Tony Robbins, Trigger, Pavlovian Cue, Frank Sinatra, Marilyn Monroe, MM, Ana Nicole Smith, JFK, Lee Harvey Oswald, Mind Control, Queen of Diamonds, Phoenix, Egyptian, Bennu, Heliopolis, Sun God, Ra, Alice in Wonderland

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