Neurological Autistic Curiosity

2 months ago

Copyright The River, Jordan Feliz, Beloved Album, 2015.
#autism #autismpodcast #autismspectrumdisorder

Thank you Wichita Library and all of the librarians that helped me find the resource materials for today's episodes!

Being an autistic, when my hyper--focus kicks in on a particular subject becomes a hunt for all of the information possible. In order to continue researching, had to take a trip down to my local library to see what was available on neurology in general. There was a multiple of medical books available and with the help of a few of the local librarians, I was able to get tips on my treasure hunt to find more answers.

If you would like to see the behind the scenes of what writing a book looks like on the day to day...well, you're in the right place. I am still in the processes of researching the neurological structures and nervous system in general. Nevertheless, this video is a sneak peak into the information I have been discovering as I continue on this hyper-focused quest to learn more.

Hope this helps and God bless. Cheers.

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