How To Be A Godly Woman - 09/15/2024 | How To...Series |

2 months ago

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Pastor Jacob Gardner

The How To...Series

How To Be A Godly Woman - (Matthew 19.4-6) (Proverbs 18.22)

1. She Is A Partner To Her Husband - (Genesis 1.27-28) (Genesis 2.20-24)

Hebrew For Helper: Ezer -
A person who provided needed help and assistance.

"Women were created from the rib of the man to be beside him, not from his head to top him, nor from his feet to be trampled by him, but from under his arm to be protected by him, near to his heart to be loved by him." - Matthew Henry

2. She Is Called To Submission - (Ephesians 5.22-24) (1 Peter 3.1)

Greek For Submission: Hypo Tasso -
To place or arrange under.
Often in military terms to place oneself under the command of a leader.
A voluntary attitude of cooperating with and putting trust in an authority figure.

3. She Is A Crown To Her Husband - (Proverbs 12.4)

Cancer In Marriage:
-Chronic Criticism
-Making Fun Of Him
-Comparing Him To Other Men
-Disrespecting Him Publicly
-Belittling Him In Front Of Children/Family
-Complaining About Him
-Withholding Sex From Him

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