Internal Conflict | What is the Cost of Inner Conflict? | Why is it Important?

3 months ago

When you close your eyes and turn inward, do you ever feel the stirring of an internal conflict? Or when you are busy going through your day, do you ever feel overwhelmed and anxious? It’s a battle within that pulls you in different directions, leaving you feeling torn and unsettled. This inner conflict is not just a fleeting discomfort; it is a profound struggle that impacts every aspect of your experience.

At the heart of this conflict is the ego – the intimate enemy within - the voice in your mind that is always striving to keep you trapped in a cycle of fear, judgment, blame, guilt, and attack. The ego is relentless in its pursuit to preserve conflict, convincing you that it can free you from this turmoil, while simultaneously keeping you bound to it.

Conflict is sleep; it is the state of unconsciousness that the ego cultivates, keeping you in the dark, away from the truth of who you are. Peace is awakening, the gentle reminder that beyond the noise of the ego, there lies a stillness that is your true nature. But the ego doesn’t want you to awaken, so it teaches that attack is salvation, that by striking out at others or yourself, that you can somehow find relief.

The ego tries to persuade us all that atonement comes through attack, and that peace can be won through conflict. But this is just another one of its many lies. To identify with the ego is to identify with all it values: judgment, blame, guilt, and attack. These are the chains that bind you to a false reality, creating a personal hell where heaven should be.

The ego creates a world of illusions, a world where death is seen as the ultimate reality, and life is but a fleeting dream. But this too is a deception. One day you will come to know that death is an illusion; life is the eternal truth. To live in conflict is to live in a state of illusion, to be asleep to the truth of your own divinity. It is you at war with you.

In this meditation, you are invited to detach from the ego and side with truth. You will learn to reject the ego's lies and choose the path of freedom. Here you have the opportunity to choose to ignore the ego and its lies and embrace peace of mind.

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