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I’m back from a whirlwind trip to the West Coast and WOW do I have some updates that you’re going to want to hear (and see!) all about.

And, since today is Warrior Wednesday, there’s no better day to share these huge insights with YOU, my warrior crew. Since ya’ll are my Freedom Family and I know you learn a lot from the lessons I learn in my own life and with patients, family, friends, pets…this trip was full of all sorts of them I plan to REALLY unleash to warn, help and guide!

Join me live tomorrow for our CHI Podcast at 10am PT / 1pm ET and learn ALL the details on the transformational events and moments I experienced this past week.

I’m talking:

SURGERY: Going under the knife…again…Really?
MENOPAUSE AT AGE 45? - are BioIdentical Hormones really the only answer? Some big warnings for you guys on ‘Regenerative Spas’ opening up across the country….
2024 UPDATE: Dr Diane’s advanced AND foundational personal protocol for cleansing, killing parasites, boosting immunity and beauty building naturally AND regeneratively
REDEFINING DEATH: The significance of my grandmothers dying & Healing Ancestral Trauma
BANK WARNINGS & where to consider investing / protecting your wealth
THE POWER OF HO'OPONOPONO & the Freedom in Forgiveness (how I rekindled a damaged friendship that broke down during Covid…I know this will help a LOT of you)
LIVING IN HARMONY WITH PARASITES?: The Moon cycle and why the lunar and solar eclipses are so powerful for parasite cleansing + how to do it right!

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