Novice Reacts to Battlefield 3 Easter Eggs Pt.1 [W.D.I.M.]

5 months ago

Continuing on my hunt for Battlefield Easter eggs that I missed in my previous W.D.I.M. Playthroughs. And once again it is going to be via a reaction video due to played before no longer being available. So reacting to any archived footage of easy strikes is the best that I can do.

This video is just part one because the videos I reacted to were also broken up into two partners. And the video was long as is given just how many Easter eggs are in this game.

*Other Channels:

*Source Video's Reacted to----
All Dinosaur Easter Eggs from Achievement Hunter

All battlefield Easter Eggs & Secrets Pt 1 from Our Fun is Funner

*1943 easter egg reaction

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