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US Announces Plan to Ban Chinese Software in Internet-Connected Vehicles

5 months ago

09/23/2024 CBC News reports that the U.S. government has announced a plan to ban the use of Chinese software in Internet-connected vehicles. The U.S. is framing this as a national security issue, saying that these Chinese software companies are collecting too much data on American drivers.
#US #China #CCP #ElectricVehicles #Cybersecurity #TechBan
09/23/2024 加拿大CBC新闻报道,美国政府宣布了一项禁止在联网汽车中使用中国软件的计划。美国将此定性为国家安全问题,称这些中国软件公司收集了过多的美国驾驶员数据。
#美国 #中国 #中共 #电动汽车 #网络安全 #技术禁令


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