101 - The Earth in Time and Space _ Genesis Conflict - Walter Veith 1-15 bottle in rock

5 months ago

Using scientific principles to prove that we are not a mere accident.
This is a copy from a Walter Veith series from "Amazing Discoveries" (he's an SDA, I'm not one). I'm just a simple Christian. I join no clubs or churches.
This is a very informative series of which I agree 98% with.
This is 101 of 108. A re-upload, not mine.
Then a short one from Walt Brown to explain how the wold we see today changed very rapidly. It happened in a few months, not millions of years.
All the separated continents were connected 5 to 7k years ago. Yes, it has tapered (slowed down) now. What if it occurred quickly...way back when?

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