Farsight Institute Working with The Greys!! Can They Be Trusted? Dr Courtney Brown - Remote Viewing

5 months ago

Dr. Courtney Brown is the Director and founder of The Farsight Institute, a nonprofit research and educational organization dedicated to the study of the phenomenon of non local consciousness known as "remote viewing." He is also the CEO of the streaming service, FarsightPrime, which is the largest venue of public projects featuring remote viewing anywhere. He has published peer-reviewed research on this subject in premier scientific outlets, and has spoken internationally at a host of prestigious venues, including various universities, as well as at respected gatherings of physicists. His recently published book on the subject, Remote Viewing: The Science and Theory of Nonphysical Perception, is the only book of its kind where the science of remote viewing is developed with respect to highly structured data-collection methodologies of the kind utilized by the U.S. military. In this book he analyzes data and develops a new theory that explains the remote-viewing phenomenon as a consequence of superposition formation on the quantum level. Dr. Courtney Brown Has appeared on Coast To Coast AM with George Noory and George Knapp.

In Episode 13 we discussed the Coming UAP, UFO Alien War that is brewing in our Solar System. UFO Crashes, Alien encounters, Reptilians, UAPs, UFOs, Antarctica, Brad Olsen and Fallen Angels
Using Remote Viewing Courtney Brown Has zeroed in on the coming Battle for Humanity and everything is on the line.

Are Alien Greys manipulating Farsight, The Remote Viewing company owned by Dr. Courtney Brown? Recently Courtney Brown Joined Conflict Radio and disclosed that his remote viewing company Farsight was working with Alien Greys. Are there good Alien Greys? In Episode 20 we spoke with Elena Danaan about these possibilities. Elena was trained and ordained as a Druid. Extraterrestrial Contactee since childhood, Elena Danaan is the Earth emissary for the Galactic Federation of Worlds.

Today, we will discuss all these concerns with Dr. Courtney Brown

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