John Kerry: The climate crisis is killing people

5 months ago

"But there's really no polite way to put it. The climate crisis is killing people. It is knowingly, wittingly allowing people to die and infecting them with disease and providing them with air that kills people because we're not willing to take the steps necessary to do what we know we need to do and what people have been screaming about for 30 years, 35 years plus now.
Many of us were in Rio, I was there, I was there in 1988 when Jim Hansen first testified to us about what is happening. And every year now, millions of people around this planet are dying because fossil fuel and methane emissions called greenhouse gas pollution, not just gas, pollution. And we used to care about pollution.
We used to apply a polluter pays principle to the concept of pollution. But now those methane emissions and CO2 emissions and nitrous oxide and other emissions are escaping into the atmosphere, being fed by the way in which we continue to choose to fuel our vehicles, propel our vehicles, heat our homes, light our factories and so forth.
Those emissions result in disgraceful polluted air quality, extreme heat, loss of water, loss of crops, loss of ecosystems, and at every stage, the loss of life."

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