Ears Shall Tingle - Sept 23, 2024

3 months ago

RUMBLE channel - My Father's Witness

Blog: WHAT will make people's ears tingle - Dec 10, 2021 - https://myfatherswitness.com/my-blog/what-will-make-people-s-ears-tingle

1 Sam 2:26-36 - the judgment upon the House of Eli and how those who survive the attacks of the Philistines/Palestine will be left begging for a morsel of bread.

1 Sam 3:10-14 - ear tingling reference, judgment because they knew of the iniquity and ignored it.

2 Kings 21, especially vs 12 - Ear tingling judgment came because of King Mannesah leading the NATION into idolatry.

Jeremiah 19, especially vs 3 - ear tingling judgment upon the leaders of the nation and of the Church, the empty clay jar was smashed before the people (*remember The Return in Washington D.C. where Rabbi Jonathon Cahn smashed the empty clay jar on the platform before the church leaders)

1 Sam 14:16-23 - the HOPE! There comes a time when the Philistines will self destruct.

Isaiah 33:6 - wisdom and knowledge shall be the stability of the times. Fear of the LORD shall be your treasure (*house of Eli put their iniquitious children as their treasure instead of the fear of the LORD.)

Isaiah 30:25-26 - paralleled Jeremiah 19:6 valley of slaughter with the great slaughter in Is 30:25.

YOUTUBE channel Daystar - "Dragon Prophecy, A Dark Resurrection &The Last Days: Jonathon Cahn Unveils Ancient War in End Times." 32 min long.

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