FROM season 3 ep 1 review | "Shatter" #fromily

5 months ago

Tabitha learns that she is in a hospital at Camden, Maine. Meanwhile, Jim and Kenny goes to find the lighthouse Tabitha went to. On their way, they find a completely different location and camp there for the night. The residents discover their remaining crop has gone rotten, leaving their only source of food are the farm animals. Tabitha sneaks out of the hospital. Lost and confused, Tabitha goes to a church and later finds out an address written at the bottom of Victor's lunchbox. That night, the monsters release the animals to lure out the residents from their homes. Tabitha ends up at the address to learn that the house belongs to Victor's father. While taking back the animals, Boyd and Tian-Chen gets trapped in a barn. The monsters that were hiding in the barn handcuffs Boyd to a pillar and tortures Tian-Chen to death in front of his eyes.

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