🔴Trump SKYROCKETS In New 2024 Election Polls (Map Projection)

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The recent release of Ryan Routh's note by the Department of Justice (DOJ) has generated widespread controversy. Routh, who attempted to assassinate former President Donald Trump, admitted in the note that he failed in his mission. According to reports, the note was mysteriously delivered to a witness’s house in a box of items, with no clear indication of when this delivery occurred. This has raised suspicions, especially given that Routh was shot by the Secret Service after his assassination attempt. The timing of the note's arrival, combined with its contents, suggests it may have been delivered post-shooting.

In a highly publicized move, the DOJ chose to disclose the note's chilling details in court. It read: "Dear world, this was an assassination attempt on Donald Trump, but I failed you. I tried my best and gave it all the gumption I could muster. It is up to you now to finish the job; and I will offer $150,000 to whomever can complete the job." The note not only confirmed Routh's guilt but also included a bounty, further incriminating him.

Investigators found additional evidence, including a separate note in Routh’s car, which listed dates and locations of Trump’s future appearances. This damning evidence solidifies that Routh was acting with the intent to carry out his plan over time, making it clear that his actions were premeditated. Despite some trying to downplay the severity of Routh’s plans or suggest he acted alone, these findings indicate a much larger conspiracy may be at play.

In court, Routh was denied bail due to concerns about his dangerousness to society. But the case took an odd twist when Routh, who claimed in his note to offer a $150,000 bounty, professed to being broke in court. This raises questions: How could someone who is financially destitute fund such a plot or offer a bounty? There seems to be more to this case than meets the eye.

Donald Trump Jr. expressed outrage over the DOJ’s handling of the case, particularly regarding the public release of the bounty amount. In a post on X (formerly Twitter), he questioned why the DOJ would disclose such dangerous information when they’ve withheld shooters’ manifestos and other critical details in previous cases. This move, according to Trump Jr., places his father at greater risk during an already volatile period.

Interestingly, the federal DOJ is not referring to this incident as an assassination attempt, despite clear evidence that it was. Trump has called on Florida Governor Ron DeSantis to intervene, accusing the federal government of downplaying the threat to his life. This denial by federal authorities has sparked outrage among Trump supporters, who view it as further evidence of political bias.

In the bigger picture, this assassination attempt has left many questioning the broader motives behind the attack. Some conspiracy theories suggest ties to powerful organizations, like BlackRock, due to their alleged involvement in Ukraine and the pharmaceutical industry. Such theories posit that these entities have vested interests in the political landscape and would stop at nothing to protect their assets.

The DOJ’s decision to release such sensitive information, particularly the bounty, has raised alarm about the protection of Trump and his family. With tensions high and Trump's security at risk, it’s crucial for authorities to handle this case with the seriousness it demands.

As this story continues to develop, it’s essential for the public to stay informed about the ongoing legal battles, conspiracy theories, and potential threats. The release of Ryan Routh’s note is just one piece of a larger puzzle, and the coming days will likely reveal more details about this shocking assassination attempt and the forces at play behind it.

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