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Just Human #306: Trump Wants Discovery On 2016 & 2020 ICAs, SolarWinds Hack, More + New Disclosures by FBI in Seth Rich FOIA Case

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In this episode, we focus on just two sets of documents: a filing by Trump’s counsel in the J6/Election Interference case brought by Special Counsel Smith against President Trump and a new filing by the FBI in the Seth Rich FOIA case.

The first filing, an omnibus reply by Trump’s team, asks Judge Chutkan to address the significant discovery issues in that case prior to any other advancement of the case. The arguments are solid, well crafted, and delivered, peppered with entertaining zingers, too. More interesting, though, are the asides, hints, disclosures, and foreshadowing.

It may be my favorite filing from that docket to date.

In the Seth Rich FOIA case, the FBI finally discloses how and when they learned of the Seth Rich homicide investigation and provides two previously sealed documents from October 2022: a Seidel Declaration describing the acquisition of the Seth Rich personal laptop and creation of an FD-302 and a Declaration by an Assistant United States Attorney and Chief of the Homicide Section of the DC U.S. Attorney’s Office.

It’s a lot to fit into a 2-hour show, and I rifle through them as quickly as I can while giving commentary and pulling up associated material here and there—a coffee and snack is recommended for this episode.


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  • 0/2000
  • I am so happy you are on!

  • Wow, how many times was the investigation into the death of Seth Rich transferred to another agent? It sounded like 3-4. This case has continued to be one I can't shake. I even tell myself he could still be alive. Some off the wall site I read that HRC made the hit. Then Donna Brazille shows up at the hospital in the early morning hours. How did she know he was in the ER? Next it was said she became very afraid after he died & did several security measures both at home & work. We know who she was afraid of because that person was always on her for something, made a huge/crazy scene with DB after she lost the election. DB was the person who was able to get the debate questions that year because HRC was worried about debating Trump. When I hear Seth's name I'm always reminded of the photo of him sitting on a lawn with his red, white & blue shirt on. And a big smile. He was just getting started, he was going & it was a travesty. Good luck to you investigating because it is definitely suspect.

  • Thank You!

  • Thank you! I miss your intro. ;-)

    1 like
  • Brilliant work, JH!!

    1 like
  • Kyle, you are correct that a judge is in charge of moving the cases on his or her docket. They track statistics on how many open cases a judge has and how quickly they are resolved, so it looks bad if you have a full docket that never gets finished up. Conversely, you do well to move your docket and resolve cases quickly. This makes room for complicated cases that must go to trial, which may take a week or two or even a month of the judge’s time. Nice to see you back at it! I’ve missed the regular rundown on cases you provide. Things are getting hot!

    1 like
  • the commercials are too much

  • Is there a website that shows how we are suppose to vote per what state we live in? I.E. do we vote on Election Day or do we vote early? You mentioned Pres Trump wants Virginians to vote early but didn't mention where we go to find said information. Or maybe I missed it. Thank you Kyle

  • Loved it as always Kyle, God bless you and your family (dogs included) 🙏❤️🍀 Thank you.