Best Dog Ever Balances INSANE Amount Of Treats On Snout

6 years ago

I love dogs, you love dogs. Come on, we all love dogs. Dogs are the best. Cats are fine. Some cats are even great. But dogs? Come man folks. They take the cake. You could say that they are TOP DOG! Woof, that was a bad pun! I have had a few dogs in my lifetime. Some good boys, some good girls. Mostly girls. Actually, were any of them boys? I’m not sure. Let’s see, there was Heidi (a girl, obviously) and Liza (also a girl) and there was Booger, who we inherited from my grandparents. I can not remember if Booger was a girl, but based on her name, I am going to assume he was a he. They later renamed him Ellie, but the damage was done. I called him or her Booger until the day that he or she died. She was small and brown and my grandparents really loved her while I merely tolerated her.

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