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15 seconds


5 months ago

In 2020, Kat channeled her frustrations regarding the tyrannical overreach of government and big tech (aided by legacy media) by creating song parodies. This was her act of civil disobedience. Using humor to call out the insanity.

In light of recent scandals, these songs have aged better than she ever wanted. So, sit back, relax, and enjoy. Just don't ever forget what they did and continue to do.

The tracks used for the parodies were available online karaoke versions of the songs "Dirty Laundry" and "Fame". Kat does not own their copyrights.


  • 0/2000
  • These are great!! Love me a good parody :)

    1 like
  • Just checked out your channel. 👍👍 You're definitely ahead of me with visuals and audio! Mine were filmed in the luxurious studios of my bedroom/living room. 🤣🤣 We need as many voices as possible exposing through mockery the corruption all around. 👍👍

    1 like
  • Here's a shortcut for one of mine. https://rumble.com/vlyj8l-song-parody-3-why-corona.html

    1 like
  • Ok. I'll definitely check them out. There are two more Rona related ones Song Parody 1 and Song Parody 2 - plus there are others. My channel is a mix of my podcast and video eps, posts regarding my blog, and songs. I'm a hodge podge. 🤣