The Monday Brief - Only a Trump Victory Can Quench A World On Fire - September 23, 2024

5 months ago

Get our FREE newsletter @ -- Monday's brief takes a tour of the international landscape, focusing on the wars in Ukraine and the Middle East and the fateful decision this week as to whether Biden will surrender the United States to the British demand to directly attack Russia. The war in the Middle East now involves Israeli attempts to decapitate Hezbollah in Lebanon with no checks on that war expanding because of the Biden/Harris war with Russia. Finally, we look at the developing sector, now caught up in a modern slave labor trade, involving both offshored manufacturing and export of vast populations to the U.S. and other advanced nations for low wage servitude. Whole countries like Venezuela and Haiti are controlled by gangs in the primitive hell of a Dark Age. That defines the stakes for the world in the U.S. election.

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