Adorable Kitten Plays Herself Right Off The Couch

6 years ago

This little grey kitten is super adorable and even though she has a very funny fail in the video, it is somehow still a very cute fail. Who knew that fails could be so endearing. What we see is the playing with the couch. It’s hard to tell what her goal was as it first it appears she is trying to drag something up onto the couch. However, when she rolls over and starts playing on the couch cushion it doesn’t look she was dragging anything at all.

However, this tiny cat definitely does not have spatial awareness because she does not feel the edge of the couch behind her as she rolls around on the couch cushion. This lack of awareness eventually causes her to take a small tumble right off the edge of the couch which totally surprises her. As part of writing this blog we tried looking up information about the abilities of cats and their spatial recognition of where they are because generally it appears that cats have great awareness.

One interesting tidbit we did find is that cats have preferences some like to jump and some prefer to climb. There are also “tree dweller” cats and “bush dwellers”. Tree dweller cats prefer vertical spaces that get them up high. These are the cats you see up on counters, fridges or climbing curtains. The bush dweller cats prefer to be under things and tend to be a bit more skittish. They like hiding spaces like under furniture or hidey-holes. Each kind of cat requires different cat furniture like cat trees or condos versus covered beds and cat tunnels or low cat cubes.

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