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Is The 1911 Obsolete?

5 months ago

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  • 0/2000
  • As a USMC radio operator on an F.O. team in Viet Nam, 1968 - 1969, the 1911 was my issued weapon . It always worked and saved my life once. When dependability counts, you can depend on the 1911.

  • Not obsolete for me. I have shot several other pistols with .45 ACP and 9 mm. Liked them all. Reliability assumes that the pistol has been taken care of. Range guns don't seem to be; that is why I bought my own. Some of the criticisms I agree with; but I wanted a 1911 A1. Call it a salute to my Dad (WW2, Navy) or whatever you want. I am not insulted by anyone having a different preference. Thanks for posting on Rumble!

  • Not for me! On my third, a Commander in .45 ACP and just love it! For all its antiquity, nothing runs like a 1911 and it's a beautiful, timeless thing. May it never go away!

  • 1911 is my all time favorite semiautomatic.

  • I do get frustrated with the 1911 naysayers.... I have 1911's in 45acp and 9mm...i also have glocks, Springfield XDS, Ruger, etc.... But, I will say the 1911 wins it all for me...just a natural extension of my shooting hand. So reliable, so dependable. John Moses Browning was a genius, thank you Mr. Browning!

  • Love my 1911's in .45 ACP and .38 Super.

  • I have an all stainless 1990's "enhanced" era colt CCO (officer frame with commander slide assy), 45ACP. Some people don't like the trigger of the series 80 1911's with the firing pin block. Many different 1911 configurations for different purposes. Generally the term obsolete means there are no modern applications for a design or it has just become too impractical for modern purposes. I would compare the 1911 to many classic cars and their modern retro styled cousins. They may not be quite as practical as purpose built modern designs but there are still many uses for them, maybe even a few advantages, and very often they are prized possessions.

  • can take apart, put together in dark.... best ever BOOM.....

  • First pistol I fired was a 1911a1 in Navy bootcamp early 70's, today I own several of all makes, and still my favorite shooten iron, I have those 21 and FNX and neither are as good as "Iron and Wood"

  • I know people have claimed that 1911’s are obsolete. It isn’t like there aren’t modern derivatives. It isn’t like 9mm and .45acp just came onto the scene a couple years ago. I really don’t understand that kind of thinking. For anything in life that makes any level of logical sense…this is the same as saying that a 1911 in .45acp is the only thing this world needs. Because, two world wars… Well, two world wars have no bearing on my ability to conceal a firearm (of any kind). I like .45acp and reload it but doesn’t mean it’s what someone needs. Personally, i would consider flint locks and pretty much anything in black powder to be obsolete. But even then, a Kentucky rifle can still be used to hunt and protect just like they used to. Are blow guns and bow&arrows obsolete? Maybe but people still buy them. Even compete with them. These are not Windows95 computers that require dialup. Guns have an undetermined lifespan.

  • I have 5 Sig Sauer pistols, 1 Glock 19 and a Colt 1911 Gold Cup Trophy in 45 ACP. My favorite of all of them is the Colt 1911. I love the way it looks, and the trigger is outstanding, and I am more accurate with it than any of the others.

  • 1911s are awesome!

  • Only thing outdated is the stupid grip safety. It’s like it was over engineered by a German.

    1 like
  • No it's just old design "obsolite" capacity great gun.

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  • As a Zoomer, they are badass handguns!

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