Guy Tries To Leap Over A Walker And Fails Big Time

6 years ago

The Internet is a place where anyone can be everything they want: a politician, a preacher, a philosopher, a mermaid, even a two-headed black unicorn. Covered by the shroud of anonymity (for as long as they can), people have been offering the world their own view on things and most of the times, it worked. But that is not our topic of today. Today, we want to discuss people’s need to make exhibitions of themselves in front of the eyes of the entire public, just for 5 minutes of glory on that same Internet.

Yes, there are folks out there who are willing to do some pretty ridiculous stuff if that means that the rest of the world will be talking about them, even if it is for a short period of time. It really doesn’t matter, just as long as a video gets viral fame.

Take this one guy for example. Jerry thought that boogie boarding down a sandy slope at the beach will be a fantastic idea! He grabbed his boogie board, gets on it and allows gravity to do the rest. Oh, what a terrible, terrible idea that turned out to be, because poor Jerry ends up faceplanting himself down at the beach. He did manage to shrug it off though!

The video on the top of the page shows a guy who attempts to leap over a walker and fails, big time. The video is not made at a wedding, but we guess any time is a good time to leap the broom. This particular broom, however, was suspended over a walker. The first guy shows us how it is done. From a standing position, he leaps and clears the broom with room to spare. He does it without even breaking a sweat. The jump is unbelievable, graceful, and athletic. We can only imagine how hard he has trained to do this because he makes it look so utterly effortless. And then his friend tries.

First, the friend changes the position of the walker, turning it around 180 degrees. “Just get your knees up” says the guy who just did it – advice that probably needs to be heeded because that guy knew what he was doing. The second guy lifts his leg to get an idea of how high he will have to leap. He waits. He takes a breath or two. And then he leaps – RIGHT ONTO THE BROOM. He snaps it in half, kicks the walker over, and falls backward. Maybe he’ll need the walker now.

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