Christian PROVES Muslims WORSHIP Baal AKA Satan in DISGUISE | Sam Shamoun

5 months ago

Christian PROVES Muslims WORSHIP Baal AKA Satan in DISGUISE | Sam Shamoun

Hubal, the main idol of the Quraysh tribe, was set in the Kaaba, which was originally dedicated to pagan gods like Hubal, Baal, and others. This shows the deeply idolatrous roots of the Kaaba, making it clear that Islam's claims of monotheistic origins are false. Islam absorbed pagan practices and simply renamed them under Allah, who was nothing more than an evolution of the moon god worshipped by pre-Islamic Arabs.

Muslims, is this the kind of false monotheism you want to follow? Come to JESUS CHRIST, THE LIGHT OF THE WORLD, your SAVIOR and ALPHA AND OMEGA, and receive true salvation!

If you need more information or details, check out the full clip link and, if required, the entire live stream video link below (if provided). Also, read the irrefutable article links and sources that discuss this (if provided). Islam has no ground to stand.

Don't believe me? Ask your Imam about this topic, including videos articles, and sources (if included), and see how he answers. He may deny it unjustly or attempt to harmonize it. If you seek the truth, you will find Jesus Christ, the Lord of Lords and King of Kings!

Full Clip:

Full Livestream:

Articles from Answering Islam:
"Hubal and Allah"

"The Identity of the pre-Islamic Allah"

Relevant Quran Verses & Hadiths:
Quran 53:19-20 - Mentions the goddesses Al-Lat, Al-Uzza, and Manat, linked to pagan worship.

Quran 3:64 - Attempts to associate Islam with the People of the Book, concealing its pagan origins.

Hadith Reference: Sahih al-Bukhari 4376 - Describes the destruction of the idols at the Kaaba.

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