A $6.5 Million Mansion In The Hollywood Hills Turned Into A Graffiti Covered Sh!thole By Squatters

5 months ago

Posted • September 23, 2024: Squatters have taken over a nearly 10,000 square foot, $6.5 million mansion in Hollywood Hills in CA. According to locals, the squatters are attacking locals and are spreading their “artwork” to other properties now that the mansion is completely covered. The home belongs to the son of the Philadelphia Phillies owner who obviously no longer lives at the home. “Every time we call, the police will come and they’ll clear it out, and then within an hour or two, five more people are there and staying the night,” a local said. One local said a homeowner in the area was attacked with a “steel rebar and beer bottle.” The squatters started taking the home over a couple years ago and the problem is only getting worse. “The police told us they are tied because it’s still owned by the homeowner, so it’s stuck in limbo land.”

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