Burn It Down

6 months ago

When there's nothing left worth saving
When the promises aren't kept
When the dreams you had are fading
No truth or honour left

Burn it down
Burn it down

When the castle wall comes tumbling
And the citadel must fall
Systems all around are crumbling
New Barbarians at the walls

Burn it down, down, down
Burn it down, down, down
Burn it down, down, down
Burn it down, down, down

This place, this new Jerusalem
Was built upon ten thousand years of cruelty
And misery
What were we thinking?

I see nothing left worth saving
Rake the ashes through and through
Move the pebble to a new position
Time to start again anew

Burn it down, down, down
Burn it down, down, down
Burn it down, down, down
Burn it down, down, down

from the EP Something Left Worth Saving, released November 13, 2023
Music and lyrics ~~ Michael Casey
Audio produced by ~~ Roman Madrolle
Video produced by ~~ Lucy Holland (instagram/hollandedits1)
Viola ~~ Raphaela Boudewijns
Cello ~~ Nina Dierick
Violin ~~ Inge Marrannes
Violin ~~ Luisa Zin
Guitar and vocals ~~ Michael Casey

Download available at junglefish.bandcamp.com

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