"Epic Military Mil-Sim Mayhem: Squad's 420 Strategy Session!"

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Squad is a large scale combined arms multiplayer first-person shooter emphasizing combat realism through communication, team play, emphasizing strong squad cohesion mechanics as well as larger-scale coordination, tactics, and planning. It features 20 large open maps, vehicle-based combined arms gameplay, and player-constructed bases to create a heart-thumping, visceral gaming experience with split-second decision-making in real-world scale firefights. LATE NIGHT FIGHTING, GAMING, HOT SUMMER NIGHTS IN THE VEGAS DESERT, MILITARY, MIL-SIM, US ARMY VETERAN, DISABLED VETERAN, INFANTRYMAN, 1ST ID, MARINES, HAMAS, RUSSIAN MILITARY, UKRAINE MILITARY, ISRAELI MILITARY, TRUE COMBAT EXPERIANCE, RIFLEMAN, TANKER, IRAQ, UKRAINE, RUSSIA, AFGHANSTAIN, ISLANDS, NIGHTTIME FIREFIGHTS, MEDIC, ZERO HOUR, INFARED NIGHT VISION FIREFIGHTS. TERRORISTS, BRITISH MILITARY, 420 SMOKER,

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