Freedom Wins! How We Sovereigns & Citizens ARE Taking Over THE LEGAL SYSTEM 2025!

2 months ago
In this video Marcel talks with Kelly Wolfe of We Are The Change about the Lawful ways Sovereigns & Citizens are Taking Over Government/Legal System/Ending LEGAL CITIZENSHIP SLAVERY SYSTEMS fraud RIGHT NOW, and unlawful governance systems RIGHT NOW! Listen, then join the lawful and legal revolution to protect your rights, and save freedom from permanent legal slavery unlawful systems which violate all day to day.

This will solve hyper inflation, pedophiles running the legal system, unlawful police actions, unlawful taxation, property taxes, debt issues, cleans up politics and law, and freedom for all, as well as all industry etc.

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No one can take or give you rights,
They can only be exercised or not by you.
You don't have to give up legal system, to also have rights in law.
Come learn, join us, be the solution in this world.
Men & Woman are the power, not corporations posing in fraud as government.

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