The Billionaire Behind The Haitian Invasion

15 days ago

Meet Gilbert Bigio, a proud jewish individual who operated in Haiti.

He is Haiti's only billionaire and thus the richest individual in Haiti.

He was sanctioned by the Government of Canada for his involvement in arms trafficking and human rights violations in Haiti.

Bigio was revealed as the buyer of Epstein's Mercedes Maybach at a price of $132,000

Bigio is also the de facto leader of Haiti's jewish community and a former honorary consul to jewish state of Israel.

The sanctions against Bigio were a response to "gross and systematic human rights violations in Haiti and acts that threaten the peace, security, and stability of Haiti."

The sanctions were intended to stop Bigio's ilicit funds and weapons to armed gangs in Haiti. Bigio played the leading role in ensuring this muderous gang violence would continue, which has been catastrophic in Haiti.

Today, other jews use NGOs like Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society (HIAS) to encourage Haitians to leave the poor conditions in Haiti and resettle in America as refugees. This resettlement scheme is physically facilitated and directed by these jewish NGOs, to the detriment of Americans.

Now that so many Haitians are being resettled in America, the jewish-owned media incites conservative Americans to focus hatred on the new arrivals, while simultaneously encouraging liberal Americans to embrace the new arrivals, depending on which outlet you follow, but all of these controlled outlets conceal the jewish role in bringing about this exploitation, destabilization, and demographic war.

If Americans want to survive this demographic war, they must focus opposition on the primary enemy. Instead of hacking at the many branches of evil, they must identify the root cause.

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